Sustainability Strategy

We are aware that the balanced fulfillment of our responsibilities in economic, social and environmental matters is key to growing our position based on sustainability criteria.
We have also analyzed and reviewed the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development by the UN, which has 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Of these objectives, we adhere to and will focus on 5 objectives where our company can contribute and make a difference.
Climate Action
We seek to reduce our emissions, be efficient in the use of products and develop sustainable services.
Decent work and economic growth
We focus our commercial management that is sustainable in the long term and that adds value to our clients, shareholders, suppliers, providers and collaborators.
Life of terrestrial ecosystems
We are focused on developing actions that allow us to conserve our ecosystems and we have declared to be carbon neutral by the year 2030.
Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Focus on innovation through the relationship and collaboration of our commercial partners at a global level, identifying the needs and requirements of our clients to introduce technological innovation solutions and deliver a transformative value offer.
Peace, justice and strong institutions
We are focused on maintaining close and trusting relationships with our stakeholders.