Ethics and Compliance

In order to ensure management and respond to the highest standards of good practice, Raylex has an Ethics Committee made up of company executives appointed by the Board of Directors, which is responsible for resolving various aspects related to its standards and , especially, to respond to complaints made through the channels created for this purpose.

To assess progress in this area, the Compliance Officer systematically reports to the Board of Directors.

To ensure compliance with the policies and values of Raylex Companies, it has organized an Ethical System that incorporates:

  • Code of ethics
  • Compliance Officer
  • Ethics Committee
  • Crime Prevention Model
  • Politics and Procedures
  • Complaint Procedure
  • Diffusion and training

We appreciate your commitment and collaboration in complying with the principles established in the Code of Ethics.

Buzón Ético, Consultas y Denuncias Ley Karin

In order to protect these ethical standards, we make this Mailbox available to our executives, collaborators, clients, shareholders, suppliers and interest groups so that they can communicate (if they wish, anonymously) about any violation of our values. , ensuring that this line works securely and confidentially, so that we can analyze and respond to the information provided.


En este canal también se puede hacer Denuncias en el contexto de la Ley 21.643 – Ley Karin, con completa confidencialidad.
