Dec232021Corporate Raylex – Raytech wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, full of hope and success. Category: Corporate23 December, 2021 Share this post Share on FacebookShare on Facebook TweetShare on Twitter Share on LinkedInShare on LinkedIn Share on WhatsAppShare on WhatsApp Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Mutual de Seguridad grants the “COVID19 Seal” to the Raylex Gold Fields projectNextNext post:Update of the Solar Generation System in Raylex HQRelated NewsRaylex en Innovapolinav 202429 November, 2024Raylex y Teletón 2024: Todos los días8 November, 2024Raylex inicia su programa «Pausa Activa»21 October, 2024Raylex recibe Reconocimiento Huella Chile14 October, 2024Comprender la importancia de la clasificación IP69K en entornos industriales23 March, 2024Incendios en V Región12 February, 2024