Chairman's message

I am pleased to present our website,  which contains all the relevant information of our company.

This section will be able to access the history of Raylex, learn about our mission, vision and values. The Corporate Organization, its evolution, significant achievements and relationship with our interest groups.


Our Company

Raylex is oriented to the Telecommunications market and was founded in 1967.

Since its inception, it has developed highly complex turnkey projects, delivering creative, efficient and flexible solutions in all its projects, adapting to the requirements of each of its clients, expanding and growing in the market segments where it develops its activities, especially in Electric, Fixed and Mobile Telephony, Government and Mining, quickly gaining solid recognition and prestige in the industry, both locally and internationally, forming a solid relationship with our clients that lasts over time and is part of its tradition. of business.

We have laboratories, instruments and trained personnel for the engineering, integration, support and commissioning of highly complex communications systems.

To achieve these objectives, we maintain important strategic alliances with international corporations that are leaders in the world of technology.


RAYLEX It is a leading company in Telecommunications marketwith 55 years of history.

Throughout its existence, it has participated in the development of the most relevant telecommunications projects implemented in our country, contributing to economic and personal development.



Raylex Ltda. Starts its activities with the purpose of developing, "Technical Services of Engineering and Maintenance in the branch of Electronics and Aeronautics - Imports and Exports".


Engineering and prototypes are developed and one of the first solid-state televisions is patented for its manufacture in Chile and its licensing for other Latin American countries.


One of the first Microwave Networks of its kind at a national level is built, with a length of more than 1500 kilometers.

Raylex Representaciones y Servicios S.A. is founded

One of the first color cameras is introduced to the television market , the RCA TK-47, which was in service for a long time


We develop the engineering and implement mobile communications network, UHF, VHF y HF, which to this day remains in operation.


We started the commercialization, distribution and massive implementation of Solar Panels.


We implemented the Conaf National Communications Network.

1990- 2000

We built, implemented and put into operation the first National Digital Microwave Network, with more than 2500 kilometers in length.


We designed and built the first rural telephone networks.
1992 Raylex Diginet is born


We built for Transelec the telecommunications system for the 500 KV high voltage line, Ancoa, Charrúa.


Engineering, installation and commissioning of mobile communications network, MMOO, UHF y HF in vehicles, which is currently in operation.
2006 Raytech S.A. begins its operations

We built for Transelec the telecommunications system for the 500 KV high voltage line, Ancoa, Charrúa.


We updated a 3,500 kilometer long microwave network, one of the longest in the world.


We implement the first ROADM network with an optical control plane in Chile for Claro-Chile


We supply and install for Telefónica del Sur, high capacity microwave links, between the island of Chiloé and Chaitén.


KRW United Corporation: we became partners through the acquisition of 49% of the shares. This company is located in South Carolina USA.
2015 Raytech SAC Peru is created


We execute large-scale projects in Indoor coverage, such as Costanera Center Towers two and four, Comodoro Arturo Merino Benítez Airport, among others. Being the largest projects of its kind in Chile.


We built a fiber optic cable in the Carén reservoir


We acquired and launched in Chile from Harris BeOn, the first national platform for POC.


We design, supply and build highly available and reliable microwave telecommunications networks for the operation of Hydroelectric Generation Plant, los Cóndores of Enel Generación Chile S.A.


Transelec awarded to Raylex Diginet S.A. Phase 1 of this project consists of the implementation of local networks, within the Transelec substations, that allow the Protections to communicate with the Remote Protection Reading System (SLRP).


We unfold the PRAT PROJECT, in which we were in charge of the provision, installation and configuration of a 3,500-kilometer-long submarine optical transport network, between Arica and Puerto Montt.